You Are Not Too Messy
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By Sherry Simmons
The more you understand grace, the more you will be amazed by it. It’s completely undeserved. It’s totally unmerited. It is not something that you could earn or work for. It’s just a free gift of God’s mercy. You can’t make God love you any more than he loves you right now.
Even more amazing is the fact that you can’t make him love you any less. His love is based on his mercy for you.
Sometimes we can feel unworthy of Gods love, undeserving, that we're just one big mess. The beautiful truth is God chose you. He chose you in all your messy days, your messy decisions, and your messy choices.
It is our human nature to pound ourselves with guilt when we make bad choices. Several things come into play with the feeling of guilt or unworthiness. Yes, our human nature likes to kick us when we are down, but there is a gentle voice inside that is correcting you. This gentle voice is the Holy Spirit ( our guide and our mentor.) If we can put our human nature aside and listen to the guidance, it might sound something like this." OK, well, that was certainly a bad choice, but let me help you recover from this. It is always doable; just take my hand and let me lead you."
Wrong choices are a part of life and we all make them. We never get to a point in our life where we are perfect. So if you are waiting for that perfection, take a step back and lets talk.
God Almighty created you; he knew you before you were conceived. He knows everything that you have done and will do. You cannot surprise Him. That is impossible. You also cannot disappoint Him. Yes, that's right! You cannot disappoint God. He knew what you did before you did it. God is God. He has chosen you with all of your imperfections and bad choices. He knew from the beginning of the creation of man that we would fail. He created us and gave us a way to be perfect before him. This perfection is from Jesus our Lord. God sent his son to pay our debt; all of our debt, past, present, and future. To cover us with his blood, to cleanse us from our sins. All of our sin, past, present, and future. So when God looks at you, he does not see a sinner; he sees a child saved by grace, a child of his own.
What a crazy, beautiful, love! What an Awesome God we serve! No one is too much of a mess for God. His love for us is unending, unsearchable, and everlasting. What does he require for this incredible love? That is beautiful, too. He wants us to believe in his son, believe that Jesus came to earth, lived a sinless life, died on the cross in our place and rose on the third day. He wants us to love him and to live as followers of Christ. He knows we are going to slip up, he knows we are going to make bad choices but nothing can take away his love for us. Nothing!
His scriptures tell us in Romans chapter 8 verse 38 and 39:
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Nothing can separate us from the love of God; his scriptures also tells us that no one can take that away:
John 10:28-29:
" And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand."
Once you have accepted Christ, you are a new creation. This does not mean we won't fail our Lord. It does mean the Holy Spirit is with you to guide you, and lead you, and when you fall he will help you stand back on your feet.
The role of the Holy Spirit is all-encompassing. He is our comforter, counselor, helper, advocate, intercessor, strengthener, and standby.
God's love for you is everlasting; you cannot be too messy. Even in the midst of dark choices God still loves you, he always will. God is forever with you; his mercy and grace are eternal.
Romans chapter 5 verse 8:
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us".
When you mess up, call out to God, tell him your situation (he already knows.) Then ask him to straighten your feet as he is faithful to heal us from ourselves.
What a joy and relief to know that we do not have to labor alone through life, because God is always with us, and our victory is secure in Him!
If you are not sure about your walk with God, please reach out to us. If we cannot answer your questions, we will find someone who can.