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By Dexter Gill, Lewis, CO


Wolves! What picture and thoughts just went through your mind? Mice! What picture and

thoughts just went through your mind? You want some of both in your back yard? Maybe

even a mouse in the house? The recent “save the wolves” in Colorado, or rather “import” apex predator wolves that are supposedly endangered, which they are not, except in your back yard, has raised a lot of questions. Now you are wondering, what about the mice? Bear with me.

They, along with the wolves, are part of over 2,000 species of life declared to be threatened or endangered of becoming extinct. The reason is claimed to be man, both directly and indirectly by climate change, which is also by man. Man must stop his demise of the species and the Earth’s environment!

Looking at the big picture, the science organizations “estimate” there are up to one (1) Trillion

different species of life on the Earth. The “Millennium Ecosystem Assessment”, a group of over one Thousand “experts”, estimated a continuous “extinction” rate of 8,700 per year, or 24 perd ay. Follow that with the CK12 Foundation noting that 15-20,000 NEW Species are found each year, or 40-55 per day. Conclusion is, death/extinction of life forms is a constant necessity to make room for new life, and the “scientists” have no clue or control over the never ending process. In fact, the scientists and politicians are themselves part of the “process”.

Here in the U.S., the annual death rate computes to about seven (7) per minute, non-stop! One difference is, the “replacement” rate here is only 1.6 per mating couple in their life in these new times -we are going down. How many politicians, environmentalists, and scientists will be pushing up tomatoes next year?

Wolves and mice do not limit themselves, they do not need man’s help to do what their

creator established them to do. Sadly, man does not do what our Creator established us to do, but instead, many attempt to usurp the role of Creator, using the “environment” as a tool to gain control over the people to satisfy their own selfish desires of financial gain and pleasure.

Today, that effort got its big start in 1973, just 51 years ago with passage of the Endangered

Species Act, which was to “regulate human activity around wildlife on Federal Lands. That

initiated the multitude of subsequent environmental Acts designed to control mankind by

political powers and establish “worship” of the environment rather than the Creator of the

environment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was set up as the creator and

enforcer of laws to protect the land and environment from man!

Water, Energy and Food are primary necessities in our lives. Today , good stewardship

management of land and resources locally for the people to survive and be enhanced is

prevented by the political established laws to protect the supposed “habitat” for supposed

endangered New Mexico Jumping mouse , Spotted Owl, Gray Wolf , Prairie Dogs, certain

insects,150 more and the world climate. However, there seems to be no problem in

developing certain ski slopes and recreation sites for pleasure on those lands. Who is in control of the “Land of the Free”?

The next Legislature is poised to start, what will its focus be? Happy chickens, burpless cows

with fat free milk, gasless gas wells, and low cost homes that cost more? All related to the new

environmental laws created by special interest NGO’s. The Clouds are being rolled back so,

Thank the Lord for the sunshine and roll up your sleeves while the sun shines!

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