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Joe Oltmann Speaks to RWMC in August

The August 11 meeting of the Republican Women of Montezuma County featured Joe Oltmann of the Conservative Daily podcast, speaking by ZOOM, and inspiring all attendees to be more involved in the process of saving our country from TYRANNY.

Joe is a passionate patriot, and is deeply involved in Election Integrity. He was actually nominated to run for Governor at the Republican State Assembly, which he promptly refused after giving a great speech about getting involved in changing the course our country is now on. He spoke on the book "the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate" by Matthew Trewhella. This book explains that Christians have a Biblical obligation and right to stand together against tyranny. He said we as Christians should be "standing in the Gap" for those that are being persecuted in our country, and becoming UNIFIED in this fight. He called for stopping all use of voting machines ,going back to paper ballots , in person voting on ONE ELECTION day and hand counting of the paper ballots.

The audience had many questions after his talk, as everyone was involved in this topic.

The next RWMC meeting will be Thursday September 8 at noon. It will be at the County Annex Building at 107 N. Chestnut St. The speaker will be "Patriot Amy" and she will discuss the fraud in the Colorado Republican Primary election . Please join us for the meeting and lunch! Lunch will be provided for $12. Please RSVP by September 6 to

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