Greg Lopez wins the GOP nomination for the June 25th special election for CD4
Photo from The Daily Sentinel, Grand Junction 2022
“Placeholder” Greg Lopez wins the GOP nomination for the June 25th special election to fill Rep. Ken Buck’s seat. It took six rounds of voting, but Lopez ultimately prevailed over RINO Jerry Sonnenberg 51 to 46. RINO Rep, Ken Buck abruptly stepped down, forcing a special election on June 25th to fill his spot. It’s an obvious attempt to screw Trump endorsed Rep. Lauren Boebert and the America first agenda. Boebert herself called it a “swampy backroom deal to try to rig an election.” Buck’s devious scheme was for a RINO like Jerry Sonnenberg to win the special election nomination and race and which would give him a boost in the primary. But it didn’t work. It took several rounds of voting, but when all was said and done roughly 100 CD4 insiders voted for Lopez over a several RINO candidates like Jerry Sonnenberg and grassroots candidate Ted Harvey. While Lopez is likely to defeat the Democrat candidate in the June 25th special election he pledged to not run as a candidate in the GOP primary for the November general election. That means the playing field remains the same as it was before Buck’s pathetic attempt to derail Trump and Trump supporters. But a big question comes up regarding Ted Harvey. At the last minute he threw his support behind RINO Sonnenberg, reportedly saying Lopez would be a threat to the country. WTF? And meanwhile, RINOWatch hears there could be controversies brewing regarding the entire process so stay tuned.