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God Is Not Finished With You


Will you join me in prayer Holy God Almighty, you are Merciful and Loving. Father we come to you this day, as we dwell in thought of Your works in our life. Your love for us is unending. You are always with us, molding us, guiding us and protecting us. We pray to take courage, for what lies before us, for you are Almighty God and your plans for us are beautiful. Help us Father to stay firm in our trust in you, knowing the turns which may be in our path are from you. Help us Father to be joyful in any change in our life which you bring, because you Love us. Thank you Holy God that you are continually shaping us. Thank you for the changes in us or our circumstances for we know they are planned by you. As we take one step in front of the other we rejoice in what may lie around the corner, for you are leading us. Thank you Almighty God our Loving Father, who never ceases from moving in our life. We take your hand and know wherever you lead us it is for our good, for our prosperity, for our spiritual growth, and for Your Glory. We pray to live continually in thought that we are the clay and you are the potter. Thank you Father that you unceasingly shape us into a beautiful vessel. Thank you Oh Holy God that you are not finished with us. We place our trust in you for you are our fortress, our refuge, our salvation. We give praise and worship you Father, as we come to you through our blessed Savior Jesus Christ our King. Thank you for loving us. We pray thy will be done in our life, in the world, and in the heavens. Amen

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