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FC 912 news bytes for October 20

By Dexter Gill

October 20, 2024

Election Ballots  are now out!!  If you have not received your Ballot, then contact the Clerk's office to ascertain what the problem may be, and to obtain a ballot.   It is VERY important that we ALL vote, that is our "Right" AND "Responsibility" as Citizens!   This year we ALL have NO EXCUSE for not voting, we can vote early, starting this Monday, Oct. 21, by either mailing in your ballot or do "In Person" at the County Annex  8 A.M. --5 P.M. Monday through Friday, Oct. 21 -Nov. 4th.  Then on Election Day Nov. 5 th, In-Person is also available, 7 a.m. to 7p.m. at Mancos public Library, and Dolores public Library, in addition to the County Annex.  SOOOO, no excuse!!  Our County numbers are small, so we must show the State We CARE about our future, so LISTEN UP State!! Encourage your friends to join you and us in this "Get Out and VOTE".. 

Now a thought or two on what and who to vote for.  The Declaration of Independence set the direction ---"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among them are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.-- That to Secure these rights, Governments  are instituted among men."  Note, the Government is to "Secure" ie. "Protect" these Rights, NOT give or provide, since they have already been given by our Creator, the same that instituted the government..  When looking at the Amendments and Propositions, think--"is it an action that PROTECTS your individual rights of Life--Liberty--Pursuit of Happiness"? Or is it a government attempt to PROVIDE benefits to or for segments of society, at your and/or others expense? For example "Amendment 79" is a worst case scenario that violates the Right to Life of the unborn, while violating the Liberty of medical community  choice to participate, and You the public funding it with no choice.". Evaluate all proposed bills, keeping in mind "is the action setting the government up as the "provider" to one segment of society at the monetary and even social expense of the others?  That evaluation will show MOST Propositions and Amendments will fail the test.  Then WHO to vote for?  Where do they stand and believe regarding the above?

Interesting days ahead folks.

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