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District Re-1 School Board work session and regular meeting December 14, 2021

By Tammy Coulon

The new school board started off the work session with audit results from Lori Haley.

The district had received eleven Covid 19 grants that brought in three million more than the previous year of 2020.

Lori Haley expressed her concerns about the District's self funded insurance plan and stated it was not sustainable. The plan is loosing considerable amounts of money since

2019 estimated $300,000.00

2020 estimated $400,000.00

2021 estimated $ 611,000.00

At this time there is not a year reserve left. When the insurance fund loses money it has to be covered by the General fund. The student count was down 128 students at $7000.00 per student. that is a loss of $896,000.00 toward school funds.

Sherry Wright brought up the state of Colorado still owes RE -1 School District 35 million in back taxes.

The Healthy kids Survey was discussed with differences of opinions from board members.

Sheri Noyes, Sherry Wright, Layne Frazier, Jenette Hart and Ed Rice disapproved both the censored and uncensored surveys. Cody Wells and Stacy Hall said they went to the Department of Health for a presentation from Laurel Schaffer on the survey. Cody said he thought the survey results would help with teen pregnancy and suicide prevention.

The board agreed to a presentation by Laurel Schaffer from the Health Department in January before a decision is made. The grant money received from taking the surveys goes to

student based programs only. The data collected from the survey is also used by five other sources.

Policy EBCE School Closings and Cancelations are to be updated with clarifications on the superintendent's roll and who is called before closings or cancelations.

Communications with the public will be discussed during the Board retreat.

Superintendent Evaluation and the Salary Study Plan will be revisited in the January work session.

The regular session Was started with approval of minutes for November 16 Executive Session and Regular Session, November 30 Special Board Meeting.

The Pleasant View Elementary - Falcon Singers presented a video of their Christmas concert. What a joyful video it was to see with all the happy faces and beautiful singing.

Celebration reports of Basket ball starting, Avery Wright made it to All State Volleyball. Stacy Hall is now Regional Representative. Sheri Noyes is now the President on the BOCES Board. Contact her if any questions.

The LOR Foundation is sending out blankets to school staff in show of appreciation for their hard work.

Superintendents Report:

Manau School has been hit hard with the stomach flu and had 120 students out sick some were self quarantined by choice of the parents.

OCR compliance is being worked on to meet requirements with the Disability Act for Students.

Discipline: There are a few repeat offenders among reports of aggression and bullying in the schools and will be talked about in the Board retreat.

SWOS Charter school did a Presentation of Progress . It has been ten years since last charter school contract. they have new buildings, a new science department, a campus garden and offer at least one outing a week. SWOS has a five year strategic plan in place with 3 primary goals. Build Strong, Supportive, Learner Centered. A student can go until the age of 21 years.

about 72 % of students come from the middle school and 22% of Students have IEP's.

Citizens Address the Board.

Action Items:

a. Consent Calendar Approved

b. 2021 Audit Approved

c. Kiva Montessori Charter School's use of Northwest Evaluation Association Approved

d. To approve the Annual Statutory Mill Levy Certification Resolution

C.R.S. 22-10-102; 39-5-128 Approved

e. Policy Revisions-First Reading

i. GBGM-E Staff Discretionary Leave Approved

f. Policy Revisions- Second Reading

i. JIBB Student Member of the Board Approved

ii. IMB Teaching about Controversial / Sensitive Issues and Use of Controversial Materials.

Jenette Hart asked if any board members had seen this material in question? Response was "No". She voiced her concern over videos being used when the students should be reading. It also concerned her the language that the teacher could voice their opinion on subjects such as politics and religion. The teacher should just teach what they are given by the board and not voice their opinion. Board members after looking at the policy again are going to bring back for review.

iii. IMB-R Teaching about Controversial / Sensitive Issues and Use of Controversial Material

Both IMB and IMB-R will be taken back for review.

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