Covid-19 Rapid Tests Kits Recalled -*200,000 ( image source)
By Kelly Morris-Chesney
According to an article published by ABC News,
"Ellume is recalling nearly 200,000 rapid at-home COVID-19 antigen tests out of concerns over an abnormally high rate of false positives observed from certain lots of its tests."
"About 195,000 of these kits are still unused and subject to the recall. About 202,000 have already been used, the company said. Of those, there have been around 42,000 positive results, of which as many as a quarter of those positives could have been inaccurate. However, the company said it's difficult to determine an exact ratio."
It makes one wonder about the reported Covid positive numbers being reported. If this failure can happen with this particular company's tests, how many others have been false?. How can The CDC give guidelines on faulty numbers. How can they give advise at all. With that question in mind, just what is the authority the CDC has on our life?
Let"s take a look:
In an article published in TIME by Denver Nicks
October 17, 2014
"The federal government does have its own powers. The CDC, as the U.S.’s primary agency for taking action to stop the spread of disease, has broad authority under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution to restrict travel into the country and between states of an infected person or a person who has come in contact with an infected person, according to Laura Donohue, director of the Center on National Security and the Law at Georgetown Law School. Federal quarantine can be imposed, too, on federal property, like a military base or National Forest land. And as the preeminent employer of experts on public health crises, the CDC is always likely to get involved within any affected state in the event of a looming pandemic.
But its power to act is extremely restricted. The agency traditionally acts in an advisory role and can only take control from local authorities under two circumstances: if local authorities invite them to do so or under the authority outlined in the Insurrection Act in the event of a total breakdown of law and order."
As we see the authority of the CDC is restricted. There are two circumstances which could allow their authority
The Local Government Must invite them in
The event of a total breakdown of law and order
Let us remember this, each time the CDC guidelines are thrown at us in order to control us.
CDC guidelines are suggestions, not laws. As it is, at least for now- America is still a free country.
FUN FACTS about the CDC:
CDC manages approximately $2.1 billion in financial and resource investments for global health. In addition to
Congressional Appropriations, CDC receives approximately $12 million in global funding through foundations
and other donors including the Bloomberg Family Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the
CDC Foundation.
CDC Receives Approximately $2.1 Billion in Global Federal Funding ( in 2011)
•Approximately 84% of total global funds in FY 2011 were from transfers from other United States
Government agencies including Department of State, USAID, and Department of Defense.
•Global Disease Detection and Emergency Response includes funding for the Global Disease Detection
Program, Department of State and Department of Defense global health security collaborations, global
emergency response activities, and Health Systems Reconstruction activities which are currently focused
on Haiti earthquake reconstruction and cholera support.
•Public Health Workforce Development includes the Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program
and the Sustainable Management Development Program.
President Joe Biden’s first budget proposal would give the largest funding boost in nearly two decades to the agency most closely tracking the coronavirus pandemic.
The budget blueprint for fiscal 2022 would include $8.7 billion in discretionary funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to the OMB.
The funding would be used in part for rebuilding “international capacity to detect, prepare for, and respond to emerging global threats,” the OMB said.
Here is some more information on the Vaccine from the CDC website:
FDA recommends 2 J&J booster
COVID-19 Vaccine booster shots are available for the following Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine recipients who completed their initial series at least 6 months ago and are:
65 years and older
Age 18+ who live in long-term care settings
Age 18+ who have underlying medical conditions
Age 18+ who work in high-risk settings
Age 18+ who live in high-risk settings
Booster Shots Are Only Available for Some Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Recipients
Only certain populations initially vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine can get a booster shot at this time. (WHY?)
Examples of workers who may get Pfizer-BioNTech booster[ 1 ] shots
First responders (e.g., healthcare workers, firefighters, police, congregate care staff)
Education staff (e.g., teachers, support staff, daycare workers)
Food and agriculture workers
Manufacturing workers
Corrections workers
U.S. Postal Service workers
Public transit workers
Grocery store workers
List could be updated in the future
If we need a booster shot, does that mean that the vaccines aren’t working?
No. COVID-19 vaccines are working well to prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death, even against the widely circulating Delta variant. However, public health experts are starting to see reduced protection, especially among certain populations, against mild and moderate disease.
Time will tell, are the vaccines save, are the tests accurate, did the world jump in too quickly?