Conservative Grounds, Let us help you navigate your Ballot!
By Lori York
Do you have questions about your Ballot? Do you want more information on our Republican Candidates? Do you just need someone to talk to that won't think you are crazy? Come on in! Sit down with a cup of coffee and a cookie and share your thoughts! And we won't even report you to the IRS! Conservative Grounds at 40 E. Main St in Cortez is run by the Republican Women of Montezuma County for YOU. We officially opened in January of 2021, realizing that conservatives needed a place to come and hang out and discuss the REAL NEWS with Conservative values.
WE have plenty of handouts on Republican Candidates, Election Integrity, the Constitution and even LOCAL issues. We have a Lending Library with a selection of recently released books by Conservative Authors and videos. We host candidates Meet and Greets when they come through Cortez. We sell Flags, T-shirts, hats and other miscellaneous items you can wear or post to shout your views to the world. We also sell Raffle Tickets for the annual RWMC Gun raffle, which will start again in 2023.
We are open Monday thru Saturday 10am to 2 pm. Please drop in and VISIT! We all need a safe place to talk and share opinions.