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Congratulations to County Administrator Shak Powers!


Montezuma County Colorado February 1, 2022

Congratulations to County Administrator Shak Powers!

"Montezuma County Administrator named Region 9 Economic Development Leader of the Year Shak Powers, Administrator of Montezuma County, has been awarded the Ed Morlan Economic Development Leader of the Year by the Region 9 Economic Development District (Region 9) Board of Directors. Every year, Region 9 honors a southwest Colorado resident that goes beyond their paid position and makes a significant positive impact in the field of economic development. Powers was recognized at Region 9’s Board of Directors Meeting held January 27th. He was honored for creating an Economic Development Team among County staff to work on economic development priorities such as housing, business support and attraction and infrastructure development. “Shak has worked closely with Region 9 during the development of Disaster Assistance loans and grants for businesses during COVID,” said Laura Lewis Marchino, executive director of Region 9. “He has a very collaborative approach and includes representatives of the surrounding municipalities understanding the concept “that a rising tide lifts all boats”.” Montezuma County’s teamwork was also recognized by the Economic Development Council of Colorado in the fall with the Medium Sized Community of the Year Award. The award was first given in 2001 and previous winners include: Joe Keck, retired Southwest Small Business Development Center Director; Gus Westerman, Dolores County CSU Extension Agent; John Wolgamott, Stone Age Tools the late Leonard Burch, Southern Ute Tribal Chairman, Ken Charles, retired Department of Local Affairs regional representative and Mary Jo Coulehan, Pagosa Chamber Director. For more information, please contact Region 9 at 970-247-9621."

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