Chair Dave Williams Writes Anti-Trumpers, Anti-Opt Out Establishment Insiders Trying to Undermine Party
August 2, 2024
By Dave Williams
Dear SCC Members,
Thank you for your patience as we wrap up a very busy July, and while knowing many of you have been wanting to hear from me directly on a whole host of issues.
July was a busy month for me professionally and personally, especially with the Republican National Convention and the upcoming birth of my fourth baby.
My plate has been full and bandwidth stretched thin so, again, thank you for your patience, and please allow me to to extend a personal thank you to Hope Scheppelman for working with the other officers, staff, and volunteers to help shoulder the burden.
Let's address the elephant in the room...
It's no secret there is a shortsighted yet determined effort to remove all the elected officers from the State Party by a vocal minority with less than 100 days left in this election.
Most of these individuals are acting out of personal vendetta or have an agenda to undermine many of the reforms that the majority of the central committee voted to pass.
In addition to not wanting to rally around President Trump during the final stretch of this election, many of these individuals want to end your lawsuit against Colorado's unconstitutional open primary and stop the implementation of the opt-out, which was authorized by the overwhelming majority of delegates at the 2024 State Convention in April.
This vocal minority is working with establishment insiders, the lying press, and those who simply don't want pro-Trump, Christian conservatives leading the State Party. They will say and do anything to deceive you.
Despite what you may hear from bad actors (or, sadly, even those who have supported us in the past but are unable to withstand our critics' negative pressure) we are supporting ALL of our nominees with infrastructure, volunteers, GOTV/data platforms, and even direct financial support in key targeted races.
We are also partnering with President Trump and the Republican National Committee to accomplish the work of winning in November.
Those saying otherwise are either lying or are ignorant to the facts.
We know this because we have all the communications/records to ALL the campaigns we have contact information for. If anyone pushes a narrative contrary to this, then please ask them to produce evidence and reach out to the State Party so we can share all the "receipts" with anyone who wants to see for themselves.
Moreover, what should be telling to all of our members is not one of the main accusers who have instigated this fight ever asked our Treasurer, Tom Bjorklund, a single question as he presented the facts about our State Party and its financial health during last week's zoom meeting.
Why? Because many of these instigators are the kind of people who preach "unity" when they are in charge but in reality fight harder against grassroots conservatives than they do Democrats, especially when they aren't in power.
If unity, and ultimately victory, are the goals, then we cannot continue a fight that blows up the State Party and antagonizes at least half the organization with less than 100 days left in this election cycle.
We invite this vocal minority to stop sowing division and spreading lies that are easily disproved. Instead, they should start putting all their energy and money into defeating radical Democrats like Kamala Harris, Yadira Caraveo, and Adam Frisch.
In a week or so, the State Party will host another Zoom meeting with both me and our Treasurer so we can address any outstanding questions you may have and put to rest unsubstantiated rumors and claims coming from these disgruntled people.
We also challenge any of our accusers to "put up or shut up" while being prepared to answer (and be held accountable) for their actions to disrupt State Party operations, which they conveniently omit or stay silent about in their false communications.
Here's the truth... Colorado Democrats are in a tough position. They won't admit it, and the press will lie about it, but they can't sustain the gains they made in the past as Colorado continues to get worse and worse.
Our Party is positioned to rebound and make gains across this state... but only if we focus on winning for our nominees in the targeted areas we are competitive.
Thank you for your time and all your efforts to rebuild this Party. We can win but only if we work together.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me anytime for any reason. All of the officers are here to work with you so we can take back Colorado and advance our conservative way of life.
For Victory,
Dave Williams