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Questions about the Dolores Education Association

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

By: Jerry Whited

It’s discouraging to find out the Dolores Education Association has already made up their minds on who they are going to endorse, and then set up a forum to make it seem like they are being impartial.

Here’s my questions for them:

  1. Will the moderator allow uncensored questions from the audience?

  2. If it’s by written questions, is the moderator going to stack the deck in their candidate’s favor?

  3. Will the moderator be someone outside the organization and really be impartial?

  4. Will you be stacking the audience in favor of your candidate?

  5. Does it make sense ethically to have a forum when you have already made it known who you endorse?

The lack of transparency are some of the reasons why I am running for School Board. This is just a symptom of the way of thinking of much of the administration. There have been so many times I’ve had to meet with school officials as a parent, where they try to placate me with words and apologies, then have done nothing to solve the problem. This makes parents frustrated and out students suffer. We need more accountability and straight-forward conversations, and this is why I decided to run.


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1 commentaire

Sue Garlick
26 sept. 2021

Hello All-

To respond:

the questions are moderated, we are looking for balanced moderation, the questions are about education, the forum has been offered to community calendars with The Crow, KSJD, The Free Press, KRTZ/KVFC and The Journal. The Dolores Education Association does not represent all of the teachers. The administration is not represented in the association, although we are in communication.

Your concern for children is noted. We are all working together to offer the very best for kids in Dolores.

As the president of the union, I can share my opinion to support one or more candidates. The work we do is not in service to one population of students over another- but in balance for all. The…

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