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A Prayer - Turn To God For Victory

In Ephesians 6... Only by relying on God, through these spiritual tools, can we overcome spiritual evil and succeed at living out God's will.

When we place our trust in God, when we rely on Him and his Might, he steps in and victoriously fights our battles.

Will you join me in prayer Almighty God Holy God Merciful and True, we boldly come before your throne,humbled but confident in your love for us. We pray Father to always turn to you for victory in our life. Thank you Father as we do what we can do, knowing we fall short you are always there at the finish line. Keep us from doubt and stand us upright as the children of Almighty God. Keep us in continuous memory of your unfailingly promises of Your Glory and Power. Thank you for fighting our battles for your divine unchanging Will. Thank you that we are yours hallelujah the Great I am the Creator of all. Thank you as we confess our weaknesses we are made strong in You. Thank you that you take our circumstances and use them for your Glory. Oh how blessed to be apart of this. Nothing is impossible nothing is unreachable for you are God. Thank you that you call us your own. We joyfully move forward through trials and tribulations for when we are weak we are strong. Thank you Father that you use all these things to make us better. Thank you that you are never far from us, and never done transforming us. We praise your Holy Name we praise the name of our Blessed Redeemer Jeshua. Hallelujah we take each step through storm or peace holding on to you. We joyfully await your return. Thy Kingdom come oh Lord thy Kingdom come Amen

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