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A Must-See Documentary: "Let My People Go"

By Lori York

This documentary is by Professor David Clements. Professor Clements and Joe Oltmann were the Speakers at the Republican Women Freedom Night in October. That night those attending were treated to an early "trailer" to this film, and we were impressed. This entire documentary is powerful and sometimes emotional to watch.

When someone says to you " there is no evidence of election fraud", and YOU KNOW THERE IS , do you ever feel frustrated that you cannot immediately list the evidence from memory? Well, I do. This film shows much of the evidence of fraud in the election machines, with multiple witnesses , and data is presented in a way that is easy to understand.

Professor Clements also shares his heart and expresses his passion for saving this country from destruction. Everyone needs to watch this film. And we need to share it with people who still believe that our elections are "safe and secure".

This is from the Gateway Pundit: "The Gateway Pundit got a sneak peak of the film.  It opens with a fully animated and humorous propaganda trailer, much in the style of South Park, which sarcastically embraces all the mainstream talking points about how “safe and secure” our elections are.  The trailer represents “the feed” responsible for keeping the American public asleep to their enslavement.  Interviews with J6 families being terrorized by the FBI are highlighted throughout the film.  Professor Clements and the nation’s leading election experts, some with the highest national security clearances in the country, challenge the various myths, lies, and half-truths asserted in the propaganda trailer in devastating fashion, leading any objective viewer to the conclusion that our elections are wholly rigged.  The film ends with a triumphant vision to restore our elections and free the J6 political prisoners before it’s too late."

You can go to to purchase the ability to stream it as many times as you want or to purchase a DVD for $25. Republican Women will have copies of the DVD available also to purchase at Conservative Grounds at 11 N. Broadway, Cortez.

Republican Women of Montezuma County are planning a public showing of "Let My People Go" on January 20, and we will only ask for donations. Right now we are hoping to have it at the Baymont Inn starting at 4 pm. More details to come.

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